Pocket Hand Warmers
Warm hands, warm heart. That old saying always makes me smile. These little pocket hand warmers sew up quickly. Heated in the microwave, they are ready in 20 seconds. You‘ll need four 5” squares of Fabric Palette flannel or cotton, and a cup of rice or dry feed corn. Be ready to sew up more, you will have plenty of requests!
Three easy steps:
- Sew the 5 inch squares together with a ¼ inch seam, leaving 2 inch open, then turn right side out through the opening.
- Fill with about ½ cup of plain rice or corn.
- Stitch the opening closed by hand or machine. Finished!
To use, pop in the microwave 15 to 30 seconds at a time until warm. Always check to see if they’re too warm for little hands to hold, or before you stick them in your mittens. Be careful. Please.
Drop them in your pockets or mittens. Your fingers will stay warm while you walk the dog on cold mornings, while you wait for the car to warm up, or head out to do chores.
1. Be sure to use cotton fabric, without polyester or metallic mixed in. (Really bad things can happen to polyester and esp metallics in a microwave.)
2. Fill with a funnel, which every kitchen has, just not when you want it. Snip the corner of an empty envelope to make a faux-funnel.
3. Dry corn is found in feed stores, or sporting goods in the fall in big sacks. Corn stays warmer longer, but rice is a little lighter weight. Try both!
4. Make larger bags to warm your feet under the covers, or to warm stiff shoulders after shoveling.
5. These are free from chemicals, unlike the plastic pouches that are everywhere. Use them over and over, just dry them out between uses.
Pocket warmers make a sweet gift to add to a Christmas stocking, a gift basket, or have ready for an unexpected guest. Enjoy!